MTA 1.6.0 - Linux server package

Build 22511 - Updated 2024-06-11

DOWNLOAD 32 bit MTA Server [tar.gz] [tar.xz]

DOWNLOAD 64 bit MTA Server [tar.gz] [tar.xz]

DOWNLOAD ARM 32 bit MTA Server (Experimental, non-production use) [tar.gz] [tar.xz]

DOWNLOAD ARM 64 bit MTA Server (Experimental, non-production use) [tar.gz] [tar.xz]

The MTA server is presented as a single compressed tar archive. This archive only contains binary files.
In order to work you will also need config files and resources.

Config files go into ./mods/deathmatch
Resources go into ./mods/deathmatch/resources
More detail in this wiki guide: Installing and running MTA server on Linux
If you have any problem, please consult our forums. If you think you found a bug in the binaries please report it on our bugtracker.

Legacy binary files (32 bit ONLY)

Sockets module for 32 bit MTA Server - ( Copy into mods/deathmatch/modules )

Legacy binary files (64 bit ONLY)

Sockets module for 64 bit MTA Server - ( Copy into x64/modules )